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How to Live Each Day Using Color, coming soon!

Countdown to Color Day 5

First dear reader I want to tell you that this blog is now available on Amazon as you can see by the “ad” in the upper right of this page. We do not have ads on this site except for “mentions” such as this and those which speak of my personal offers and events. The Amazon option (99 cents monthly; first 14 days free) is available for our readers who want to get the Daily Dose of the Cosmos without using the “Follow by Email” option (which is free). The “Follow by Email” option is an RSS feed which goes right to you and your email and we don’t have access to it; meaning we don’t know your email. As time goes on we will offer a few things and you’ll then sign on using your email and if you are a “Follower by Email” you still need to sign on, but that is later.

For now, let’s talk color!

In just 5 days, when you see the daily wisdom gem, you’ll also be able to take part in a “color communication”. You’ll actually be able to find out what your color is for that day and like these wisdom quotes, you can then build upon this too. Wear that color for the day, go out and buy a flower of that color, talk about that color, use a colored pencil of that color when you write in your color journal!

Each day you visit Answers from the Cosmos you’ll see the daily wisdom and the “color communication” for that day; and that’s it. You can choose to “work” with the wisdom alone, the “color communication” alone or both. It’s up to you and what you “feel” you should do that day. You will know what to do. Always “relax” and do not “push” it, whatever “speaks” to you, do. In my mind, I’m thinking that I will do both. Yes, I invest a lot of time for each day’s presentation to my many readers but I too take part in the exercises!

You have not seen any explanation of the wisdom gems in our daily visits so far. We have purposely left things “open” so you receive a “custom” type of personalized message. This will not change when color is added. Again, you’ll get the wisdom gem but also now you’ll get a color communication. How they speak to you and how you use them for that day, week or the rest of your life is up to you and your interpretation. Having said this, I may however expound on the “thought(s)” at a sister site, Attainment Rules. 

As we continue to count down during days 4 through 1, I will share more on how to use and get the most from the “color communication”.

For now and as always,

Make it a great day!


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