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Do you see color or really "see" the color?

Cosmos’ Countdown to Color Day 4

In an earlier article, I explained how I came to getting the job to teach Design Fundamentals after having the interview to teach both that class and also “Color”.  For some reason they thought someone else had better credentials to teach the color class but as I also said, since color is a design fundamental I still taught it within my class.

When most of us think of color we most likely think of it as the paint used to “paint” pictures. When we look at the painting or picture most of us probably don’t even “see” the color. Sure we see the color but it is part of everything so we do not single it out necessarily unless the artist purposely created a piece in which “color” was the “star” of the canvas. Similarly we see manufactured things of color and unless we were involved in the creation of the car, home, or any of the countless products on store shelves we usually don’t pay much attention to the color; but believe me, the people behind designing the products and its wrappings understand color psychology and use it to get you to buy!

So color is all around us but I will emphasize here that color was here before painting and before commercialism. It is in nature and it is in you. Each color is energy and you are energy. In future visits with the Cosmos and with our daily Color Communication we hope you’ll look at color in a whole different way. You learn what colors “work” with you to give you more vitality, health, power and more. You’ll “receive” a color each day (along with the usual wisdom byte; which usually won’t have anything to do with the color but who knows?) and you can use the color in various ways throughout your day. Then, of course, we hope you’ll leave a comment on how you used it and the results you had.

I’m excited! Tell your friends by using the social media buttons below!

As always,
Make it a great day!


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