Like the Wisdom of the Cosmos?

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What are you "filling" your "self" with?

Life is a 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. What are "you"
about "you"?

Word a Day; B. 


totally bewilder or perplex.
"an unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone"

Cameo Appearance by "Sunday Short Sermons"

Regulars to this blog (those who have registered to "Follow by Email somewhere on this page), know that it is all about short wisdom bytes to get them to meditate on and use these mental tidbits to improve themselves as they go on their own life path. 

I have purposely chosen to keep this site "ad-free" and rely on the optional purchases by visitors of my own products or using the "support this site" button. I also rarely present anything or any guest articles from others. 

However, today I'm sharing a quip from another of my blogs. I hope you like it and perhaps will become a regular at that blog too. (Click on the image to go to that blog). 

You have the power to "fill in your own blanks".

Change your thinking
to what you expect
(in the positive). 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Start believing that
you are going to
(fill in the blank). 

Believing makes you so...

You are today
what you believed you were yesterday. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. You will be tomorrow
what you believe you are today. 

Get your copy of Cosmos Speaks 
and study and meditate on 
31 days of wisdom gems
like you just read here. 

Think and Act Wisely

Seek wisdom
and when you find it
be sure to use it. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Before taking action, 
seek wise counsel; 
including your own. 

When you throw rocks at bigger houses, yours becomes smaller.

Asking (or forcing) one 
who lives in a big house
to live in a smaller house
does not guarantee that others 
will live in a larger house 
or any house at all. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. When you blame the rich
you block any chance of being one
and you'll even chase away any money
that you currently have. 

The Quiet Truth

Raising your voice
and talking over people
does not make your words any truer. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Seek truth to speak truth.  

Are you "Chicken" and only getting "Little"?

When you always 
think little, 
do little, 
and expect little
you'll always 
receive little. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Don't be a "Chicken Little". 

Plan to live today.

As you travel along your life's path, 
act each day as if it's your last. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Plan to live forever
and live as if today is your last. 

At the end of today,
what will you say
was your most constructive action? 

Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

Always think; improve!

Everything you have, everything you do, 
is an expression of someone else's idea... 
or your idea... 
or both! 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Keep "accepting" inspiration; 
I'll make more (ideas).

How's Life?

He who lives by 
(place positive term here): ____________ 
receives more (same term): ____________  . 

He who lives by 
(place negative term here): ____________ , 
dies by (same term): ____________  . 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. How are you choosing to live? 

Don't give up or give in, but give! Ter Scott!

Never give up
or give in, 
but give it another try; 
perhaps in a different area or direction. 

A.K. Cosmos 

PS. Many people pushing on walls
don't see the open door. 
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach

Are you living a lie?

Your subconscious always
knows the truth. 
Your conscious mind lies. 

A.K. Cosmos 

PS. Which are you following? 

Your True Nature and Purpose

The place where you "are" 
is not your place to rest
but to test, 
and is your test. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. So be your best. 

Realize what you have so you can realize more. Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

Most don't have much, 
because too many
seek too little. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. When you realize what you have
and that you have, 
you will have more
because more will be given. 

Do you have the time?

We always have time
for what is important
but we only take the time
for what we think is important. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Do you take time
for who and what you want to make
important in your life? 

With the Seeds you Sow, is How Your Garden will Grow

You eat the fruit of your words. 
Are you eating good fruit or rotten? 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Your words always produce a harvest. 
Do you like your results? 

Life's gift is new each day; do you accept that?

Many believe, 
but don't receive;

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Receiving is something that you do. 
Reach out and take it; accept what is yours. 

You want to be "well" but you are not "wellable".

Most people want to be or do "well" in most things. 
However, they just aren't "wellable". 

A.K. Cosmos 

PS. Work on being "wellable". 

Hello, I'm Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach. 
I coined the word, "wellable". 
Now, what are you going to do about it? 

The sun rises on evil and good, and it rains on evil and good; blessings all.

Blessings are like a two-sided ribbon
which holds your life together. 

One side is everything "good" 
and the other is everything which
can take you to your "good". 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Bless you; bless everyone. 

Here is your Daily Encouragement.

When you are discouraged,
muster the courage
to encourage another. 

In return, you will be

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Have you encouraged someone today? 

It will be; when you "let" it be.

When you have the same expectancy
for what you seek as you do in the chair
you are seated will hold your weight,
you will have what you seek. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. "As sure as you're sittin' there",
it will be. 

Weather changes, are you?

Weather "happens" every day. 
The question is, 
"Are you happening?"

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Every minute, be in it. 

See the Best, and Seek Your Best! Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

When you see or think of others 
who are successful; more successful than you, 
know that they are intentionally placed
in your path to encourage you ...
to do more, be more and have more. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Choose to be encouraged. 

Wisdom calls out...

Wisdom does not
use perverse speech. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Find Wisdom, 
find Life. 

Get 31 Days of Cosmos' Wisdom at half price! New book by Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach.

Today I am introducing my newest book, 
31 Days of Cosmos' Wisdom. 

The book will soon be published and on sale at Amazon but as a reader of this site, you may purchase the pdf version at half price; for a limited time.

Get your copy (pdf version) for only $4.99 
(Reg. Price: $9.99, softcover $19.99)

THIS IS A LIMITED TIME OFFER: When it is published, the discounted pricing goes away.

If you like Answers from the Cosmos, you'll love 31 Days of Cosmos' Wisdom. It is a collection of 31 excerpts from this site which have been the most visited, shared and commented on. Purchasers will also be invited to in-depth articles and videos which will explain the daily thought by yours truly and will also be invited to join our Facebook community of like-minded wisdom seekers. 

To order, just use the button below and use a credit card or Paypal. Please give me a couple of days to manually fulfill your order. You may use the Contact Form on this page if you have questions before ordering. Also, I would appreciate any feedback and any corrections I should make prior to publishing.

In exchange for this half pricing offer, please click on the title of each wisdom byte after you've read it to go to the original post and submit your comment (or question). Then use the share buttons to Twitter, Facebook, etc. Of course, this is optional and I won't hold you to it, but I hope you will love the book so much that you will want to comment and share most, or all of the 31 thoughts in the book. It really helps to get this vital and life-changing wisdom to a world that needs it.

After 31 Days of Cosmos' Wisdom is published, I will contact you to offer your review rating and offer prizes, etc. to make the launch date for the book fun for you to participate in, and all of that is optional.

At this half-price promotion, there are no returns. So here is one of the 31 pages so you can see exactly what the material presents:

Each page has a lot of space for you to write your own thoughts in the margins.

To purchase use the button below. Thanks for your support to this site and for your purchase of  31 Days of Cosmos' Wisdom. I really believe that you will enjoy it and will be aided in achieving your goals, dreams and to "make it a great day"!

Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

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Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

To return to the order page, please CLICK HERE. 

Fight fire with fire, and everyone gets burned.

One cannot fight fire with fire; 
just as one cannot fight evil with evil. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Water quenches the fire 
and good defeats bad; 
only and always.