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Think and Act Wisely

Seek wisdom
and when you find it
be sure to use it. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Before taking action, 
seek wise counsel; 
including your own. 

When you throw rocks at bigger houses, yours becomes smaller.

Asking (or forcing) one 
who lives in a big house
to live in a smaller house
does not guarantee that others 
will live in a larger house 
or any house at all. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. When you blame the rich
you block any chance of being one
and you'll even chase away any money
that you currently have. 

The Quiet Truth

Raising your voice
and talking over people
does not make your words any truer. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Seek truth to speak truth.  

Are you "Chicken" and only getting "Little"?

When you always 
think little, 
do little, 
and expect little
you'll always 
receive little. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Don't be a "Chicken Little". 

Plan to live today.

As you travel along your life's path, 
act each day as if it's your last. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Plan to live forever
and live as if today is your last. 

At the end of today,
what will you say
was your most constructive action? 

Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

Always think; improve!

Everything you have, everything you do, 
is an expression of someone else's idea... 
or your idea... 
or both! 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Keep "accepting" inspiration; 
I'll make more (ideas).

How's Life?

He who lives by 
(place positive term here): ____________ 
receives more (same term): ____________  . 

He who lives by 
(place negative term here): ____________ , 
dies by (same term): ____________  . 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. How are you choosing to live? 

Don't give up or give in, but give! Ter Scott!

Never give up
or give in, 
but give it another try; 
perhaps in a different area or direction. 

A.K. Cosmos 

PS. Many people pushing on walls
don't see the open door. 
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach

Are you living a lie?

Your subconscious always
knows the truth. 
Your conscious mind lies. 

A.K. Cosmos 

PS. Which are you following? 

Your True Nature and Purpose

The place where you "are" 
is not your place to rest
but to test, 
and is your test. 

A.K. Cosmos

PS. So be your best.