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Why are you a success?

You know that you are a success
when you are doing what you do
by deliberate choice.

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Every goal I touch turns to gold. 
Ter Scott, LIfe and Legacy Coach™ 

Image result for refining into gold

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Answers from the Cosmos is read daily by people all over the world! 
If you've got a Pic that describes a "Wisdom Byte"
we may use it and link it to your site! 

Are you Compensating self and others?

Image result for compensation

Compensation is not
always in the form of money.

A.K. Cosmos

PS. What are you earning today?

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Answers from the Cosmos is read daily by people all over the world! 
If you've got a Pic that describes a "Wisdom Byte"
we may use it and link it to your site! 

Are you really grateful; really?

You may not be doing, being, having and doing “more” 
because you are not grateful for the “all” 
that you already have.

A.K. Cosmos

PS. To list all that you have will take all of your life, 
and then some. 
Ter Scott, LIfe and Legacy Coach™

Image result for grateful

Interested in "Free Advertising"?
Answers from the Cosmos is read daily by people all over the world! 
If you've got a Pic that describes a "Wisdom Byte" we may use it and link it to your site! 

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Your picture linked to your web page could be seen by our worldwide readers? 
Inquire using the comment section below 
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Mirrored Reflection Motivation

Situations are only mirrors
so we can see it in ourselves,
and make changes to change it
or overcome it or deal with it.

A.K. Cosmos

PS. What you do with your reflection is up to you. 
Ter Scott, LIfe and Legacy Coach™

 Image result for mirrored reflection motivation

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Don't be concerned when someone isn't being a "team player"; they're not on your team. Ter Scott, LIfe and Legacy Coach™

You succeed by your action;
Not the inaction of others.

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Focus on your journey
and help those who are on the same path. 

Image result for life path

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Want more? Give more; unselfishly.

It is impossible to be unselfish
and not gain.

A.K. Cosmos

PS. In what areas do you want
to become more unselfish? 

Image result for abundant

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Morning has broken, like ... yourself.

Every morning brings a new beginning; 
are you beginning anew?

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Are you willing to move on with your life

with a good attitude, knowing
that you have a bright future ahead? 

On a scale of 1 to 10, is your life balanced?

Every challenge contains a blessing
and every blessing contains a challenge.

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Embrace your whole life! 

I am a magnet and drawing great things in my life!

Want to be a magnet?
Be “greatful” for miracles.

A.K. Cosmos

PS. More than you first think are miracles; 
become more aware.

*Guess what?!. 
As a reader, please do not feel bad if you don’t “understand” these wisdom bytes at first glance. When I share them on Facebook and other social media, I
 get a lot of “What???” in the comments. 

These wisdom bytes are meant to provoke you to go farther. 
Share them with others and ask them what they think they mean, study them and then use your findings and understanding in your daily activities. 
Today’s “Daily Dose of the Cosmos” is meant to provoke thought and motivate you 
to be more, do more and have more. 
Why not write it down and review it through your day?  
(Then share your thoughts, results, and experiences with others 
by placing them in the comments section below).……………..

“Outside change is always happening. But will you change inside to change your “outside”?

You will not change 
what you will not confront.

A.K. Cosmos

PS. There is no such thing as indecision 
(other than a word in the dictionary).
You either decide or decide not to decide 
(either way is your decision).

*Guess what?!. As the reader, please do not feel bad if you don’t “understand” these wisdom bytes at first glance. When I share them on Facebook and other social media, I get a lot of “What???” in the comments. These wisdom bytes are meant to provoke you to go farther. Share them with others and ask them what they think they mean, study them and then use your findings and understanding in your daily activities. Today’s “Daily Dose of the Cosmos” is meant to provoke thought and motivate you to be more, do more and have more. Why not write it down and review it through your day?  (Then share your thoughts, results, and experiences with others by placing them in the comments section below).

Give yourself the gift of a better past.

Don’t let the pains of the past 
poison your future.

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Your future past starts in the present. 
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

*Please note: GET MORE. I know that many visitors read our daily wisdom and maybe ponder it for a moment or tell themselves, “Oh, that’s interesting” and go about their day. These wisdom bytes are meant to help you go farther. Every “Daily Dose of the Cosmos” is meant to provoke thought and motivate you to be more, do more and have more. Why not write them down and review them through your day? When you are asked a question as in today’s PS, consider writing down several answers. (Then share your results and experiences with others by placing them in the comments section below).

If you've not read and rated Answers from the Cosmos or shared it lately, please do so today. Also, if you'd like to improve your discipline in achieving any goal, take the 10 days, 10-minute challenge. Learn wisdom and discipline at the same time!

Turn your life inside out!

To visualize it up here (in your mind)
Write it down here (on paper)
To have it out here (in your reality).

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Everything happens from the inside out! 

Most people are doing what they don’t want because there’s so much left by the few who know what they want. Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Take time to write down your natural inclinations, 
your “genius”; your bliss.

Then follow them.

A.K. Cosmos

PS. Are you still wasting your life away
doing something better left for others?